Growing Through Challenges: We Celebrate 10 years of Service

Our time here in Nicaragua has been a crucible of spiritual growth for both Natalie and me. The journey, marked by challenges and triumphs, has illuminated the depths of our faith and the unwavering commitment that drives us. Amidst the difficulties, we’ve experienced a profound strengthening of our belief in God’s purpose for us and our mission. The adversities we’ve encountered have not only tested our perseverance but have also deepened our reliance on His guidance and grace.

In 2012, my father extended an invitation that would forever alter the course of my life: to join him on a medical mission to Nicaragua with Global Health Outreach. Although I was new to the world of mission trips, I decided to take the leap.

That year, in March, I set out for Nicaragua, and it was during this journey that my perspective on life and faith underwent a profound transformation. During that trip, I read “Radical” by David Platt, a book that resonated deeply with me. It forced me to confront the reality that while Jesus was a part of my life, He wasn’t the central focus.

As I engaged with the people of Nicaragua, sharing the message of Christ in a small town, I was met with an unexpected openness and receptivity. This contrasted starkly with what I had often encountered back home. The culmination of that week was a remarkable moment – a woman whom we had spoken to earlier, grappling with questions, made the life-altering choice to embrace Christ as her savior. Standing there in the middle of the road, her decision left an indelible mark on me.

This pivotal moment led me to a profound realization: there was nothing else I wanted to dedicate my life to except this kind of work. I felt a strong calling to Nicaragua, and a conviction that I was being led to serve in this community.

Within a year, I married my wife, Natalie, and together we embarked on a transformative journey. We sold our possessions, established the non-profit organization N-Response2, and built a supportive Barnabas Team. Granada became our new home as we dove into learning Spanish and forging connections.

Our partnership with Puralytics became a powerful way to provide clean water to the people of Nicaragua using Solar Bags, and it also allowed us to initiate home Bible study groups. As the community embraced us, we found ourselves not only providing physical assistance, but also fostering spiritual growth.

During this time, I worked closely with a group of Christian men, focusing on their spiritual development and nurturing leadership within their families, churches, and communities. We extended our impact by initiating an additional home Bible study group in our neighborhood while actively participating in a local church.

We also journeyed to Northern Nicaragua, teaching people how to create bio-sand filters for water purification – a vital need in the region. Equipping local pastors with the skills to teach this life-saving technique further amplified our impact.

The year 2018 brought unforeseen challenges as civil unrest swept through Nicaragua. Despite the turmoil, I remained steadfast in my commitment, although it required stepping away from our partnership with One Collective. I continued teaching at the seminary, supporting local pastors, and advocating for agricultural initiatives, particularly focusing on growing beans to address the nation’s economic struggles.

During this time, Natalie redirected her attention towards instructing English, making a contribution to the community by sharing her expertise at the seminary and is now teaching at Keiser University in San Marcos.

Throughout these trials, our dedication to N-Response2 never wavered. Our resolve to meet the needs of the people, work with those divinely placed in our path, and follow His guidance remained unshaken. Our journey over the past 10 years has been a testament to faith, perseverance, and an unrelenting desire to create positive change in the lives of Nicaragua’s people.

For His glory,

Stephen & Natalie Goff (for our monthly support) (for specific people, projects, and general relief aid)
My Blog Page: Nicamoments

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